Friday, August 13, 2010

fish ,chapter one

As I was walking in the darkest of nights,I looked up at the sky, so intoxicating, theses little sparkles of joy which we call stars, it was a fascination of main, there quite alluring..

I heard moans coming out of the bushes behind me as I was walking away from talzainia, the great castle and laboratory, of the prince and wizard, jalama.

you see we, are the creatures from forgen land, as they call us, we come to investigate the relations between man and fish, yes, fish.

about 2986 years ago, a man , a legend, named sojel morris, we call him s.morris, fell Of his boat, which he used, to sail and fish, as he fell over he fainted and drowned, except he didnt really drowned

he was saved.

a fish, yes a fish to all of you non believers out there, they picked him up as the water was making rewins of his body, and in that cold stormy night, they planted him with scales, so he could breath, clothed him with rugs so he could move , and provided him with shelter, so he could be.

so yes, with th tale of this little man, our story was created.

the moaning hasn't stopped.

i looked around the bushes, and found the source, I found old chipped feet, then legs and a back, then the back of an old bald head , it was a small man holding a cane, lying on the grass, moaning.

"are you ok sir?" I say
" huh, kid go away, hes about to come back at any minuet now"
"whos salmian?"
"the great and mighty salmian what do they teach you at school now a days?"
" i am thirty"
"who cares, now go away!"
"suit your self'
I turn my back to him and walk away, I stare at the stares again, just as attractive as ever arent they?

bshoooooooom, an ear pricing sound is produces, I turn around to find the course, lights, all sorts of lights, brilliant blues, and warm browns, and fiery reds, all come out of his magnificent hands, this is salmian whom the old man talked of.
magnificent indeed.

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