Saturday, August 14, 2010

letters, thoughts..

dear insecurity:

would you leave me alone for just a moment, just so I could enjoy what I actually have!

dear jealousy:

your flames are endlessly burning withing me, as I drink my coffee, as I wach my tv, or read my book, or even as I sleep you appear to me in my dreams, why is it that you cant except who I am and let me be!

dear longing, dear hatred dear confusion, I never understand any of you.

I dislike, disrespect, and dont understand him.

I know i am suppose to love him, but every step he takes, every word move, are just childish!

believing him self best of the best, acting as if hes best of the best, and having a audacity to look down on others.

its so strange that we grew up in the same house, everything you do is everything I stand against.

I would never say that to your face.

whevever you do one of your things, all I do is give you a a look, I am not sure, if I am respecting you, or my mother, or maybe I am just being a cowered, that seems more likely.

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