Thursday, May 19, 2011

inspired by f.

it is under enormas sheets of cold shimmery moonlight that you coldly clutched my hand, and I forever lost all control.
somehow, every thought I though, I thought for two.
and every step I stepped, I stepped for two.
so please, let us go back.
 back to the days of red polka dot dresses and you carrying me so I could see the sunset better. I dream of days like these of me drowning within you like I drown within a large coat on a winter night. I dream of our stolen words, and our scattered thoughts and our crushed goodbay.
I dream of us going back to the single spot, beneath the coats of moonlight because the endless search for perpous in life, all the wondering, all the heartache, all the failure, the hunger,  the lack of a roof, the leaking pipes, the scratched walls, and my old dresses, do not mater.
it dose not begin to matter that I haven't eaten in days, it dose not matter, that my pockets are empty , because somehow, your mere existence, lights parts, and spots within me that no full stomach nor warm home, could.
so let us go back, to the days in which, on rainy night, I hide beneath your finger tips.
days when I forgot about pains of an old forgotten past, or hopes of an oncoming future.
days in which all that could ever occupy the corners of my mind, is you, and I , on a roof, and the sheets of moonlight, and a cup of coffee

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