Monday, July 25, 2011


I am joining you now, and it has been years, I have died an old ragged maid, and you a mere spotless boy.
so many men have held me, grabbed me by the waist, swayed me around lifted me off the ground, so many brought me rings and mansions.
so many married me, and introduced me to their own privet world, and has been shut away from mine.
but there was a day, I recall, there was a day when I was 22 and you were 23, and i could see the sky engulfed by the redness of the sunset, and we were giants in the eyes of others, superstars, the talk of the town.
but in your arms, and in my arms, we were the children ,we were the tiny terrified infants, the mere specs in contrast to the grandness of the world.
and today everyone has forgotten me, I am not on any magazines I am not in any movies, and if I go down the streets screaming my name aloud, no one turns, no one shouts, not photographers or flash lights, I have been, in my unattractive old age, abandoned at the corner.
and you use to say I was a rare jewel thats why everyone satires, but I didn't believe any of it.
now john pushes me around in my little wheel chair, and reads to me the words of yeats, he is a good man.
I could say, you died young and the world mourned you for a second or, two, magazines spread out your name in wide spread ink, but the moment I knew that I am forever a giant, that I will never be a child in your arms, I died too, except, no one knew.

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