Wednesday, August 3, 2011

the star gazing ancestor of utter lightness.

your so very reckless and I am aware of that, Halom.
dear Halom, you have become the surreal invasion of torment, because in this world, in which I daily watch you lose more and more of your recklessness, of your carelessness and child-like ness.
in a world where I see them, shove guns in your palms, force you to trigger bring you back heavy, onto me, you poor endlessly, and I say, halom, child of life, blue haired, eye piercing beauty, please stop screaming, forget the sound of guns and terror of them following you, chasing you in the pitch , crept , dark, corriader of there secret hiding,they lurk onto the ground pooring their everything and anything on to you.
and I attempt, I run to the big men, with their big chairs, and I plead, your a child, and I am a child and their taring the fundamental pices of our world apart.
if I may add, I have given you, the last pieces of my gloomed down heart.
do balm it onto you, halom.
you are, the star gazing ancestor of utter lightness.

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