Monday, February 13, 2012


amongst beasts
I think
to fail
to folly
is a syrup of discontent.
a discontent in the form of glory
glory that stands in mutilation
its mutilation and deformation
its deformation rising to build
build mountains.
to the collage drop outs.
the ones with thoughts that run
along burning each other
in their lonesome torches
of debutes.
the ones brilliant in solitude
inable to bare more
useless education.
being told
like it were
nothing but the truth
when its anything but
they are burdens
to society
and heres to those
brave enough to think
they could displace lives.
those frequently told.
with bubbling repressed chuckles
they are children
the embodiment
of naivety.
they aren't naive.
they know the odds/
cold and
tardy and
in mock
but they are brave.
in the way they offer
the very  sweat and sulk of their wounds
to heal others.
and heres to the big girls
warm and gracious and lovable.
and ridiculed constantly
we coexist amongst beasts.
heres to the burn outs.
stumped on constantly.
    built under water.
heres to the unsocial
repressed against corners
morphing into plaster
of walls
heres to me
what is folly?
if this
excessive ease
pf embalming
beauty before me
is folly,
heres to folly.

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