Wednesday, February 15, 2012


What if I hadn't spend
The last 18 years of my life
What if I had loved
A broken shell of a boy
A flesh eating
Camus engulfing
Sulkingly sad
Little boy
A sadness vast and populating
And he would be
Motherfucking beautiful
In his sadness
Beauty that aches and irritates the air
It mingles with
He would in whispers
Loath how I burned for livelihood
And together we would be
Birth and death and light and darkness
In might inseparable
Then we'd break away
And each
Would lose
It's flicker
What if I had clashed
Instead of mundanely being
Might I
Have been brilliant?
What if this loss of flicker
This tame of torches
Would send me
In frenzy
Of running round
Then standing still
To utter forth
Sheer aesthetics
Instead I read this textbook
Of the structure of angiosperms
And my heart is a static
Lump of meat
And my poetry couldn't be
More mediocre.

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