Monday, April 16, 2012

april 26, green robes and all the madness.

most days I want my thoughts silenced.
I dont want/ shouldn't try to build anything
not now anyways.
I dont want to go
to college
I dont want to distribute global waste
on the days of my youth
punch them into the air
watch them catch fire.
my streets
are concrete
and there hardly is anything green
and I feel
whatever I built
in my early teens
I still want
to fuck fear
in the face
burn more perception
to ashes and waste
hold your paths
burn them under my feat
I dont want to dream
I just dont want to be
like you
and my poetry
may never
most likely
go anywhere
but I hardly care
because I'l glue my ass to a seat
till my insides glow
and fear seeps
into curiosity
so right now
I think I might laugh a little
at your attempts
if I weren't crying
they're working.

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