Thursday, August 19, 2010


"May she be granted beauty and yet not
 Beauty to make a stranger's eye distraught,
 Or hers before a looking-glass, for such,
 Being made beautiful overmuch,
 Consider beauty a sufficient end,
 Lose natural kindness and maybe
 The heart-revealing intimacy
 That chooses right, and never find a friend." 
this part is from the poem a prayer for my daughter.

here we could see yeats praying for her having beauty, however he dosent want too much of it, because as we all know, having beauty never leads to no good.

his point is amazingly true ,and his message is very effective.

however what truly and utterly attracted me to this particular poem, is his use of words, as he once said, "a poet before all, is a man very much in love with words" this is how I recall it, by the way, so it may not be accurate.

but the point here is, w.b.yeats had quite a way with words, like how he says, and yet not, and how, he made such a good point, mix it with quite an effective word such as distraught, and it just happened to rime with the previous line!

there people amaze me, they make me truly wonder of what there brains consist of!

I dont ever aspire to be as good as him, though I secretly do, I continually warn my selfs of the dangers of such a wish, of the impossibleness of such one.

I dont thing I will ever stop hoping though.

thats somehow comforting.

I dont want to stop simply because its the logical thing to do..

you no what I discovered today?

abeer, my name, which in arabic means the scent of flowers, also means in old French, to aspire after, well if that isnt a sign then I honestly dont know what is.

I shall dream a hundred dreams, for I believe, at least one of them must come true.

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