Wednesday, August 18, 2010

oh my stars!

oh my stars! is the title of this magnificent book, now it may not be on the best selling list, it may not even be on my own favorite books list, however, it had an undeniable force, to rapidly pull you into its glam and charm, and leave you so heart warmed, and defiantly longing for more..

set in the great depression, the book revolves around the tragic life of violet mathers, a teenager abandoned by her mother, miss treated by her father, and constantly told how ugly and worthless she is, she consoles her self in books and artistic pursuits.

she later is occupied in a factory, and her life brightens up, tell a terrible accident occurs, that takes her arms away and leave her handy capt..

vilote, falls into abysmal depression, losing her arms means losing her art, she then decides to, spoiler alert ! to take her own life, she takes the bus to the golden gate bridge, an accident occures, and she is saved by a group of musicians, who will change her life as she knew it..

she joins them on there trip of changing the world with there great music, and many incidents occurs..

now, I will tell you how I reacted towards this book, the first, well, 17! yes 17 chapters, were merely entertaining, much like watching tv, fun, yet pointless, however, from then on, I was blown off my seat, literally, sitting on my bed for hours, in my reading time, and going way past my usual hours of sleep, just to finish the great wounder that was the later pages, one chapter in particular, personally, only because I tend to react to beautiful tragedy the most, then mere entertainment, struck me, and even brought me to tears..

chapter 25!

now still the 5 chapters before and the 6 after were extremely heart racing.

I tend to love things that make me sad, really sad, then cheep me up just a little.

this was exactly that kind of book

after each good book, I would git, book sick, its strange I know, but I would just feel like a part of me, a part of my hear was taken my that book.

and me being the slow reader that I am would have over thirty unread books on my shelf so I would do the book rebound, as I call it and quickly move on to the next one, and find my self running back to it, months later.


however I read a quote once, that really helped me, it said, whenever I read a good book,I would sleep with it, in the same room.

I thought, what difference dose it make?

but it dose work!

I would finsh it, slowly close the last page, read the title aloud in a mellow dramatic way, and sigh.

the I would huge it and go to sleep.

I have no idea about what sort of issues that says about me, but it works.

so if you have the same issue, I suggest the same.

by the way, the first book which I had such a great problem with was little women, which also had a great tragedy in it, and made me cling to it,I was quite young when I read it, 11 maybe?

anyways, I started rambling a whole lot!

so yes I would give this book, a 3 stars at the first 20 chapters, and a 4 and a half, at the last 11.

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