Monday, August 23, 2010

wretched scientist

we appear as scientists , with our fancy equipment and our ever so experience brains,but in reality we`r artists, with our cheep worn out dreams,our endless masterpieces, and our constant self loathing.1

appearances my dearest, are as always, deceptive.

we use our great white coats, to hide what ugliness we possess, the ugliness which always drags us to the ground.

which we belong to as magnificent scientists, and as ugly artists.

yes we are quite intelligent, but our hearts consist of nothing but stones.

we let it take over us, all that is logical, till it killed every bit of spark every bit of imagination we use to have, it killed the child in us, the soul in us, the life in us.

science, we love you, but it is nearly impossible to have only you in mind.

we must look away.

we must see the art in scince and the scince in art.

to have a clear vision, and righteous prescriptive

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