Tuesday, August 31, 2010


its been a week or so since I posted anything, I do realize that not alot of people actually read my blog, if any, but I will post anyways, because I enjoy it, I have been working on two new short stories, the first is a re-write of peter pan, I have always found his story awfully beautiful, there are many changes, but the main concept is the same, and another really really short story that dosent really have a definition, it has some things I have been wanting to say for a while, my writing has reached a point where I write, because I must, and I write for my self, because its an idea that cant live in my brain anymore.

I may never share these things with the world, but as long as I have stayed true to who I am and done the things I wanted to do, it dosent matter as much.

I also have MANY drawings to share, I have been to lazy to scan anything but I promise I will.

I also am working on a novel, I left my previous one, it is only temporarily abdicated and deserted , but the new one is a story which I have always wanted to tell.

its really hard, this whole thing, I wont lie, I still work, I still improve, but it is , intensely hard.

I can do it, inshallah.

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