Monday, September 27, 2010

and now I know.

I use to stare at them all, in ceaseless wounder, what is it that could possibly compel a being to do such a thing?

why on earth would you , and oh so simply hand out your heart to someone so clumsy?

and they would say, "well, the heart wants what the heart wants"

and I would secretly think, in vain, well I wouldnt be stupid enough to follow my heart.

and now, here I am, my heart has fallen, he wasnt clumsy, just pure evil.

I am not sure if this is what they call karma, but I was never ready for this.

I was in my own bubble of superiority and vanity, much protected from the world around me, my heart perfectly placed within a cage, a rib cage, untouched, unharmed.

and then I felt a breeze, a breeze caressing my pulse, whenever he passed by, I rejected this breeze and "used my brain" and then the breeze turned into wind, and then a storm, and then he reached within the small cavities of my rib cage and pulled out my heart.

then oh so coldly dropped it.

I had no say in the matter.

and now I know.

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