Tuesday, September 20, 2011

the waste land: book review.

there is a very small quantity of poetry volumes, and books in general that could compare to the quality of this book.
it has achieved such a collection of achievements that are so very difficult, and as a collaboration have never been seen.
first: any holder of a respectable degree in English literature, or student, or even your average avid reader would tell you; the waste land is the mother of all avant gard.
and that alone is a tremendous achievement, but to achieve it while still holding the love and respect of the masses and critics alike, makes t.s.Eliot, the greatest poet of all times.
I do not exaggerate in this review, on the contrary, the poems of Mr. Eliot hold such great depth and strong emotions , that are put in the most interestingly, aesthetically, vulgar of ways that uncontrollably and involuntarily hold your attentions.
in it`s simplicity, and down right, incomprehensible complexity, I personally think, the waste land, is the best poetry volume of all times.

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