Saturday, October 8, 2011

book review: a good scent from a strange mountain.

this book is a collection of short stories; all revolved around the after math of the american-viatnam war.
it was written very poetically and lyrically as olen butler always dose. his style of writing tends to always add a flair to his ideas, portray them more; magicaly.
these short stories, in contrary to what you may assume, are pretty general, you very much dont have to know anything about the war exept for the fact that it happend in the 60s between america and Vietnam to help the people against the ruling of the communist.
in any case, I found them very moveing. in their unique journey with the lives of people in a constant feel of estrangement considering the merger of these cultures.
they are a large variety of stories that enclude: "Mr. green" which is a story about a girl whos grandfather use to own a parrot that constantly repeated his words, the story pretty much spoke of the conflicts between the Buddhists and Catholics in Vietnam. but mostly about the sexism in Vietnam, there's also "preparation" about a women that is preparing her much more beautiful best friend whos married to the man she secretly loved, to be berried. and then there is "missing" a story of an MIA (missing in action) soldier that ends up marring a Vietnamese lady.
this moved me to larg extents mainly for its great variety, perfect portraiel of a whole culture effected by war, and over all fragile humanity.
I would recommend this book to literally, anyone, and I dont usually do that..
4.70 out of 5

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