Friday, March 2, 2012

Bleak states of matter.

You know those people, standing in caffes, shopping in department stores, those very people crossing the streets, waiving at their friends, they are so ordinary, so smooth, their fears and problems are so concrete, so tangible, they fear poverty, they fear lonliness, they fear insignificance, but they plaster upon it our god given gift of denial and mending of egos, you see geometrically speaking, the center of one's eye sight range, is one's self.
You know those very people, who think they have succsede becasue they got a job, and paied the rent, i fear those people most.
I am born with the weight of a universe's worth of ambition, I am born with idealistic dissatisfaction and a simple grade that shows I am capable of fathoming highschool livel conceptual physics will not bring joy and self content, however a paper that proves otherwise brings self loathing.
I am born with the tremendous capability to shut down my own doors, to self minmise, to burn in jealousy, to clutter my own weakly put words down drains because their mere existance shames me, but I remain ashamed because I also must share them not sharing them is even greater pain.
I am complex conflictinons and I know it isnt anything special I too stand in cafes, shop in department stores, I too cross the street and wave, even flap my arms in manufactured comprehension, and pseudo contentment.
I fear those very people because they are everywhere and I am them, I am everyone I am no one.

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