Tuesday, March 13, 2012

upon secret knowledge.

is my essence.
And wither or not I posses a notable deal of it
is irrelavent.
is my essence
in al its manifestations
and all the rises
and the falls
and the explosions
and tickels
of parallel
heavy magnitud of
it holds.
I am in love with thoughts
and I sit in my room all day
and writing
and wondering
really woundring
watching documentraies about how the world
that I in my specticle little existance
cannot consive
that snaches away words and speach
comes to be
comes to be
and I read textbooks I have borrowed
from our homely
school library that isnt wooden
and old and ragged
isnt new and crystal
but is rubber 
and is plastic
mundainly being.
I hardly understand much
but when I do
when I do
how it is a revolution
I am born with my happiness
wrapped in intellect and artistic pursuits
which is also wrapped
in sheer spiked advirsity.
And so I go on
in the midst of my intellectual
scholastic empidament
if my depression causes
my academic falling
or if my academic falling
causes my depression
I live with the smell of death
in the corners of m door
rubbed against my rug
in my womb
I rais pestilence within.
And comes days
I read of the cosmos
listen to the sounds of jupiter
and speak
speak incessantly
to god
and the stench of death

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