Sunday, April 22, 2012

one afternoon I faced the fact that I am a bird.

I alway knew I was nothing more than bird
I waited for people
to tell me I was a lion
some of them did
some of them
didn't even know I was a bird.
the thing is
about birds:
they are small
pretty fragil
easily lifted
they eat bread
and can easily be
kicked to the curb
people dont fear birds
lions on the other hand
are fucking terrifying
kings of jungles
roaring away
catastrophes between
their front teeth
and I wished to god
I was a lion
I would sit
and roar like
a lion
but I am a bird
and its hard to be a bird
because people kick you to the curb
and forget
that while they cant
you can easily

1 comment:

  1. "I alway knew I was nothing more than bird
    I waited for people
    to tell me I was a lion
    some of them did
    some of them
    didn't even know I was a bird."

    People seem to think that "it's like you're inside my head" is a compliment- and it is, in a sense where the comment is mutual. To the writer, by the reader, for the reader. I can't tell you that because it's a privilege I'm not worthy of and an insult you don't deserve. But if I may, I'd like to give you the benefit of perspective and say- it's like you're inside my head; you've knocked twice, smiled, sat by the couch, right next to the iris, looked at my world and picked up every scattered scrap of emotion I've ever denied and handed me a brush with your words as the purple and red. Acrylic lines, watercolor spaces, and ashes from a color I've never seen. Thought to paper to canvas- reading in itself is poetry, but only if the poet is whatever you are. To have known what little I've known of you and to have read all that you've given- I can honestly say that I may, in some insignificant sense perhaps, known one of my favorite writers, poets, and most importantly, people of all time. You deserve what you are, and my god- I can't wait your future: that day, maybe a friday, when I go to a bookstore and see the spine of your mind peeking at me from the shelves with a nod, or a wave. Good luck with everything, you'll bring the world to its knees one day.

    dat starface.
