Thursday, April 12, 2012

upon not writing at all.

                              "I took the road less traveled, and that has made all the difference"
I may read a poem
might even write one
might live with fear
instead of fear inanimately.
today I may be conscious
of a moment as a pose to waste it
thinking of the next one
sitting back watching the molecules of time
as if it slips
a waste
ashes in
I may think
hes mean
I dont like him
I dont like the way he thinks
the way he looks
at things
I may not care
I may just
physics textbooks
and think
what cosmos
what electricity
what a world
and I am glad I get to witness
and be mildly aware
instead of
miss ambrene
is disappointed
at me and my grades and my waste
a waste.
maybe the way I rummage
maybe the way I take years
to let a words
and pieces
of puzzles
sink into my cerebral cortex
is in fact
my road
less traveld.
it doesnt matter if hes mean
or that I once mildly liked him
it doesnt matter that he
adds confusion
to my already complex life
today I may sink into youth for a moment
or two
write a poem built on feel
and not on
and that
will make all the difference.

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