Thursday, May 24, 2012

its really not much, except its almost everything.

this has become serious
this has become very serious
my mother
who usually is the model
of all things a single human being can achieve
or strive to achieve
highers her voice
almost knife like pitch level
calling for one of my sisters
and in the haste of the moment
fifth attempt at writing
a poem
I want to pull out het throat
this has become serious
this is not
a hobby
this is not
a past time
this is not
a part of me
it is dominant
it is
it is sadist
and its too serious
its too

so I never write anymore
or when I do
I just repeat
for the sake
of not losing
this is
too serious

but I AM
a writer now
and its terrifying
and I cant stop my self
from constantly pausing
and looking at books
and my own lancing words staring back at me
and really wondering
where is the appeal
what is the purpose
and I'v come up with various reasons
being inspirational
being remembered
helping others
being able to communicate
and I come out of this loop
of insufficient thoughts 
with always the same
every reason
too weak
or too vain
and the love slowly wethers 
and am only left
with fear

is this too serious?
fear seems to be my only drive
most times. 

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