Saturday, July 7, 2012

one of us cant be wrong.

She didn't know if she was ever
 to be
 a lover
she knew however
that if she were to somehow
get over the necessity to find
loving and
being loved
that she would
him or
the first him is a him
that was there
more intensely
all along
but the fire
in-between him and her
had burned whatever
laid between
but there were still
little things
stuff of the earth
bursting though
the path between them
once burnt
the other him
the other 
potential almost
had been a vague idea
in the back 
of her ridiculous necessity
to establish existence
he was
and breez like motion
without the burn of fire
still without the warmth.

if she were ever
to find a lover
it would be one of 
there was the issue
which one
but even bigger
why any?

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