Friday, August 13, 2010

HELP NEEDED!: a good book.

It has dawned on me, that there is this longing in my heart, one that I have discovers only recently.

for a really good book.

and I am no talking about the usual 3 and a half stars kind, the kind with a nice story , and entertaining way of writing..

I am talking about the real deal, the whole packaged, something like little women, or pride and prejudice, or Les miserables.

I want a book with a very unique , somewhat Mellon collie way of writing, one that would intensely fascinate me, and very much pull me further away from my surroundings.

I want a life changing ,thought stirring book, one with a compelling story, a large verity of vocabulary, mind blowing similes and imageries, with a unique vision, and it would be entertaining and thought provocative..

I do realize that my standards are intensely high, however one book is all I as for...

so if you happen to know a book that really did blow you off your seat, please recommend it to me in the comment section bellow.

p.c: I am an intensely slow reader, so please be patient with the review :D


  1. I've always wanted to read The Catcher in the Rye, it seems like a mind-blowing book. I don't know if you have read it or not, though.

    Here's a link for a TIME's list of the best 100 novels:,29569,1951793,00.html I found it interesting.

  2. What happened to keep us posted on twitter? You posted 4 more posts since I last checked, which was YESTERDAY!
    Anyway, I love your blog. Keep it up.
    Abeer, you are Awesome.
