Friday, August 20, 2010

I was told ..thoughts (3)

I was told to dream, to let all my thought accumulate into one big massive dream, I was told to believe, I was told to hope and to love.1

and above all never to give up.

why was I told so? why was I constantly implied to in every book I read, every movie I watched why was I told that passion, pure passion could git me where I want to be?

when in this world, dreams, beliefs, hopes thoughts, and even love.

count for absolutely nothing, when some creatures that only have the body of a human and a soul of a monster, live the world for material purposes, for money, fame, and fornication.

whatever happened to all those dreams I had of sitting in a field of sun flowers, reading a good poem, watching the clouds hug the bright and shiny sun and fill it with bundles of joy and warmth, and in my head, I would be so intensely jealous of the sun for having such a soft and loving embrace, and so jealous of the clouds for getting such a warm and bright one.

whatever happened to my self belief, my belief for my own ability, yes, I would like to be realistic, but I would also like to have hope, I dont want to feel as if I dream into wholes and cavities, I dont want to feel as if, I am enjoying something which only I shall enjoy.

one saying never fails to, somewhat spark a bit of hope in me.

you see no matter how passionate I am , no matter how much love I posies .

your either born with it, or your not.

that simple.

that cold

and that crewel.

In spite of everything I shall rise again: I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing. Vincent Van Gogh

I will, I am no von gogh for sure, but then again , van gough was no van gogh at his time either

why am I even saying this?

I will never be, as great as van gogh`s finger nail.

but the message is clear.

in spite of every thing, I will write, I will paint, I will read, I will improve..

I have already..

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