Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I`v started falling apart, I am not savouring life

I sit in the corner, licking my own wounds, as I bleed, I lick, and as I lick, I bleed some more.1

the ever growing wound seems irremediable,But I , in denial still lick.

my shoulders seem to lean inwards, and provide the much needed protection of my now vulnerable heart, which had become so heavy, so burdened, that my rib cage failed to do its job.

Or at least, that is how it feels inside of me, I do realize that I can still hear the sound of my ever so irregular heart beat, which is a sign of it validity ,and its being in one peace, however, it sure feels as if it isnt.

I have thrown it under the buss way too many times for it to still be in one peace.

foolish me, going beck to my usual foolish way

s, fall for someone in a blink of an eye, immediately hand them my heart, and then wounder about what I ever did to deserve this.

I have too much trust, then I lose it all, then I gain it all back again.

and when I tell the ones who "love" me of my secret plans,they act as if there so angry, so afraid for me, however,when my heart is shattered to pieces, your never there, when I need someone to pull me out of the whole which I dig my self in, I am all alone.

so you let the darkness consume me, and then you have the audacity to feel rage, when I want to head straight towards it.

the hypocrisy.

well dear "beloveds" the darkness is the only thing thats ALWAYS there, the only stably reliable thing, its only natural!

Author notes

its not about me, this isnt how I feel, its simply sad thoughts, which I Imagen my self thinking of, they fall within the category of "beautiful misery", well at least I hope, its beautiful :P

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