Saturday, August 21, 2010

this is so strange!

my friend bat, is also a writer, and I admire her writings oh so much, shes intelligent, and very creative.

today i went to her and her sister`s place, and I talked to her about her writtings and read some.

when I came over and looked at my blog, I realized that two of the storys which I have written revolve around the same ideas as ones she did.

did I copy her?

well no.1 I dont think I did because I wrote them before I even talked to her about them, however, I could have been very much influenced by her way of thinking, she is quite inspirational, you never know.

however if I have I would have disappointed my self then, its nothing personal as I said shes talented and wonderful, however, I want to be original, not a copy of an original person.

but if bat ever reads this, which I doubt , this post was merely a complement, saying your talented and original and inspirational.

I love you and your sister and our whole group and I had alot of fun today :P

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