Friday, January 21, 2011

in the air

I like the urban feel, I lie big cities, and cigarettes and light, I like coffee and hard workers, and hot rollers, I like suppressed emotions, I like love and scandal, I like hiding in the nook.

I always want to convey those things in my -modern day- short stories.
its so hard

I also like old books, I like royalty, royal blood, I like peasant girls and sun rays, I like farmers that are painters in secret, I like phrases like "my lord" "king of France" "bow before him" "rise to the occasion" "madam compose your self"
I love old and English, and I love new and urban
I love formally coldly coated and I like fast heated inconsiderance
and I like the depth of emotion behind them
I wish I could paint the picture clearly.

its so difficult!

p.s: because of the finals I am only writing articles as appose to stories that take more effort and time.

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