Sunday, January 23, 2011

review: for one more day (and others)

this is a collected review of
1- for one more day (novel) mich album
2-jayn (short story) kirsty mitchell
3-love (short story) grace paley
4-what we talk about when we talk about love (short story) raymond carver
5-tears fall on orkiny (short story) Nancy saunders
6-8 years later (short story) elain grotifeld

ok so the great news, is that I have been visiously reading lately, and I have discoverd the the road to litiriture, in my case at least, is an abandond road, I am left with my books papers and ink, and I couldnt be happier.

for one more day:
this is the second novel I have read of mitch albom, now as many if not all would say that tusdays with morrie was better, I would begg to differ.
this was better.
one thing I could say about mr.albom is that he creats light weight delightful, moving litereture.
some may be offinded by the word "lightweght" but I mean it as a complement, the reader almost dosenot have to do any work, they could lay back and be intertained, and it takes a hell of alot talent to achive that, I personaly have never seen it done so well.
purhaps that is the reason for his vast succsis, his being intertaining, light, and actualy artistic.
and I mean by the last is, he actualy can writ well!
as apose to the lay back intertaining crappy litereture that at the end of the day leavs you with nothing..
npow lets go back to the story, it is about a man , whos mother died and who, during her life, did not treat her as well as he hoped, and got to, miraculasly spend one more day with her.
this book was very touching, I enjoyed it deeply, and it certainly had a moral.
I would give it 4 out of 5.
 2- jayn
I LOVED this!
this is a story that I read in a library when I was in dubai, you see I had a limit of purchasis, cloths wise and books wise.
when I finished my limit I  began reading the booiks without actually buying them, cheep move, I know, but still..
I read this book, well half of it, in an houre for god`s sake! anyhoo its called dancing with mr.darcy its a collection of short stories edited by sara waters and compleatly cinterd around jane austin, inspired would be a better word.
this one has the feel of the intelegent woman having to face the dissgusting ignornce of the world that jane austins portrais frequantly, or atleast thats the wibe I picked up.
what I loved about this story was her style, it was so, whats the word, a -great friend conversing you- like?
 I would give it a 4 and a half out of 5
 this story was awfully strange, but I like strange..
it was just slightly uncomrehindabul, leaving room for you to think of it in your own way, but there was an air to this story, the couple in it , I dont know why but it felt like they had this bond between them that is usually built after years of warm companionship, the author portraid the perfict picture of such a thing.
but it was a bit , well, compleatly off topic, but I enjoyd it..
it really did draw an imeg of love.
I woulg givw it 3 and three quarters out of 5.
4-what we talk about when we talk about love
I really liked this one, it was mainly around two couples on a table waiting to go to dinner together, talking about love.
its such a colorful dialog, and a strange image of what love is, or what it is in everyones eyes, and how it defers from a being to another, it was very realistic and though provocative.
4 stars out of 5
5-tears fall on orkiny
this was part of the Jane Austin inspired short stories collected in a book called dancing with mr.darcy.
I loved that book!
as for this story there were elements that I enjoined, and some that I didnt.
but here is the thing, these stories were written by non published authors, it was a contest!
now the person who wrote this has such deep potentials, they are creative and wonderful, however, slightly, just slightly, cheesy.
I am defiantly not one to talk as a writer, but as I am as a critic.
first of all the anther wrote it as a letter to Jane herself, and described to her her growing love for a man who doesn't seem to show any signs of commitment.
though he fills her with life and joy, she seems to end up alone, describing the typical story of heartbreak yet being capable of making it artistic and entertaining.
3 and a half out of 4
6- 8 years later
though this story didn't leave as much impression as the other ones did, I still liked it, I still like the details and the whole idea, it was slightly cheesy though, and a bit dull, but over all I would give it a three.

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