Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jimmy in his blue navy shirt, and starry nights, some fish.

my brother was
a sailor
I didn't really know what its like
he would
whenever it all happend
with one arm
rap it around my lower waist
and lift me
it was mostly nights
and the city was
but wonderfully lit
and by the lake we'd sit
the rattling water holding
uncertainties would mirror
the lights
in the skies and on
roof tops
we wanted to be a lot of things
but in the air between us
between the moths
and spiders
and dusty specs
and particles roaming the air
have with the intensity of repressed
dreams we knew not to speak
would throw in his
and we'd just watch the fish fighting for life
in the brutality
of humanity
as if
its natural
for us to dream
as fish

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